Complete Technical Services
When you have a problem with your computer, it's no longer a
minor inconvenience. Whether at work or at home, for better or
our daily lives
often require that we have a fully working
computer system.
Whether it's a networking problem, a printer malfunction, a computer
lock-up or software error, you don't have time to wait for service. You
may not be able to bring your system to a "big box" store, and even if
you do, repair times can be up to two weeks.
Not only that, but many
"Geek" or "Nerd" repair services employ technicians who are only at
the beginner stage. The pay is low, the benefits minimal, and the hours are long. The pressure to "upsell" to the customer results in unnecessary costs and lost data.
Professional help is available. It's faster, cheaper, and guaranteed,and It can usually be done AT YOUR LOCATION.
Please call or e-mail for more information. |
Ransomware - with names like "Cryptovirus", "Marsjoke", "Mamba" and many others, it's getting pretty scary. These viruses encrype your data, or even your entire hard drive, and give you a limited time to "pay up", usually via Bitcoin or (rarely) gift cards. How can you protect yourself? Here's some steps you can take right now:
Make sure your anti-virus/anti-malware program is up to date.
Don't open ANY attachments unless you're absolutely sure they're valid.
Remove any old, unused accounts.
Change your account type to Standard. Yes, you read that right. Create a new account with Administrator rights (DON'T name it Administrator!) and change every other account to Standard. Malware has the same rights as the user. By making yourself a standard user, you will need to enter the Adnimistrator password whenever you (or a third party...) wants to install a program. For some programs, you'll have to change them to "always run as Administrator." But this gives you a much better chance of avoiding infection!
No one's Facebook profile is safe:
As I said in my previous post "Facebook con artists on the rise," breaking and entering on the social network seems to be an an epidemic. Aside from personal acquaintances who've been hacked or know someone who has, the news is also rife with examples of Facebook tomfoolery, with two high-profile cases this week: the president of France and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's fan page.
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Finally Fast Finally Sued
You've seen the infomercials - they claim to be able to make your PC work like new. Well, if it had a million frantic pop-ups when it was new, trying to force you to buy an expensive bloated product, then they've got it nailed. But the Washington AG didn't see it that way.
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